3 Underrated Keys to Job Search Confidence

Building Your Safety Net for Career Success

Hey there 👋

This week I am sharing a profound realization that all my clients have in common.

Before we start, a quick word about how I can help you in your job search.

I have helped 200+ people land their dream roles through resume review and interview preparation.

If you are not getting interview calls for relevant roles, your resume may be the missing link.

To know what specific changes you should make to increase interview calls, you may book my resume roast service using the link below.👇

You can also book a 1:1 call, where we discuss relevant job strategies, mock interviews, and actionable tips to transition into your dream job. 👇

Use discount code SUBSCRIBER to get 15% OFF

Now on to today’s discussion:

When it comes to searching for a new job, there's one factor that often gets overlooked:

The power of having a strong safety net.

Most of the career advice out there focuses on polishing your resume, acing interviews, and networking your way to the perfect role. The advice works and it is very practical. (I provide precisely these services)

But the larger truth is, that the candidates who often end up getting the best deals are the ones who don't desperately need the job in the first place.

Think about it - when you're in a vulnerable, desperate situation, you're much more likely to accept lowball offers, unreasonable work hours, or other unfair terms.

Employers know this, and they may try to take advantage.

But if you have a solid financial, emotional, and social foundation to fall back on, you're in a much stronger negotiating position.

You can hold out for the right fit, rather than feeling forced to take whatever comes your way.

Of course, we all face tough times and uncertainty in our careers.

However, the goal should be to minimize the frequency and intensity of those desperate situations as much as possible.

Life and careers are long, and operating from a place of desperation rarely leads to the best outcomes.

So what can you do to build up that safety net and feel more secure when job hunting? Let's dive in...

  1. Social Security: Build a Circle of Believers

Getting a job is all about being judged by seemingly everyone.

That's why it's so important to have a strong base of support - people who believe in your abilities even when the rest of the world is doubting you.

This could be family, close friends, mentors, or others in your network who will sincerely cheer you on when things get tough.

Having that social safety net can make all the difference in your persistence.

  1. Emotional Security: Don't Tie Your Identity to Your Job

It's easy for our jobs to become deeply tied to our sense of self-worth and identity.

After all, your salary and title are often sources of pride.

But remember - your job is just one part of who you are.

You are a living, breathing, growing human being with infinite potential, not just an employee.

When things go wrong at work, it's important not to let that completely define or diminish you.

You have faced challenges in the past and you have won.

This challenge, no matter how big it is, will make you a better person.

Look back at all the wins that you ever had - derive confidence from the fact that you have won some difficult battles in the past - You can do this again.

  1. Economic Security: 6 Months' Salary in the Bank

You may have what seems like the most stable, secure job in the world.

But as the past few years have shown us, nothing is ever truly permanent.

Layoffs, restructurings, and economic downturns can happen to even the most established companies.

That's why it's crucial to have a healthy financial cushion saved up.

Aim to have at least 6 months' worth of your salary tucked away in the bank.

Avoid the temptation to splurge on fancy homes, cars, or other big purchases before this - those can wait.

Instead, focus on building that emergency fund first.

This economic safety net will empower you to be more selective and hold out for the right role, rather than feeling forced to take the first thing that comes along.

…anything that doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger

If you're currently in a difficult spot, I sincerely hope that a great new opportunity comes your way very soon. 🤗

And if you're in a more stable position right now, use this time wisely.

Focus on honing your professional skills and mental resilience through the steps above.

The more secure you feel, the better you'll be able to navigate the uncertainties of the job market.


I am hosting a Live resume roast on 23rd August, 7 PM IST (6.30 AM PDT).

In this event, I will go through anonymized resumes i.e Name, contact details, Company name, etc blurred.

I will review them like a hiring manager - the way I have reviewed resumes for 10+ years when hiring for various roles.

I will share the first impressions that the resume gives about the candidate, will this be shortlisted for a given job - if yes, why, if no - why not? and share specific actions on what you can do to fix it.

Here is how you can participate

  • Submit anonymized resumes for live review

  • See your resume from the hiring manager's perspective

  • Free to attend, with or without submission

  • Privacy respected - all resumes anonymized

  • Recording available for registrants

    Bonus - When you register, you also get access to:

  • ATS complaint resume templates that get shortlisted by MAANG companies

  • AI prompts to help you write your story better

  • Resume tips and tricks to help you improve your resume.

Improve your resume today!

Register now 👇

LinkedIn has been kind lately 🥰

My post about how your career graph was featured by LinkedIn

This later got featured in LinkedIn’s newsletter 👇

Having gone through multiple career transitions myself including a career break, I believe that career is a zig-zag of twists and turns. Don’t be afraid of the twists and turns. There are multiple ways to reach the top.

I also got the Top Voice in Job Search Strategies badge. 🙏

Super grateful to see these credentials building up.🙏

Before you go…

Here are the most loved editions of this newsletter ♥️

If you have any questions, reply to this email and I will be happy to help you.

I will see you next week.

All the Best
