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  • You’re Better Than You’re Giving Yourself Credit For

You’re Better Than You’re Giving Yourself Credit For

And you are not alone

Hey there👋,

In my journey of helping over 300+ Product Manager candidates refine their resumes and ace interviews, I’ve come across a common theme that runs through every single one of them.

They all undersell themselves.

I recently worked with a Senior Product Manager who had everything going for her—stellar credentials, a strong profile, and even entrepreneurial experience. She had 13+ years of solid work under her belt, yet, on her resume, she listed just 6 years of experience. Why? Because someone once told her that only her “product” experience counted, and she believed it.

Another candidate, incredibly skilled, would bend over backward trying to explain why he wanted to shift into product management but failed to highlight the impact he had when revamping the entire onboarding journey for a leading e-commerce app—something that drove amazing results.

Then there was the founder of a thriving consulting business who had helped clients launch and scale successful products. He had hundreds of glowing testimonials about his advice and research. But, despite all that, he doubted his ability to succeed as a Product Manager—simply because he’d never officially held the title before.

Stories like these break my heart. People who have done incredible work, yet feel the need to diminish it because someone once said, “You don’t fit the mold.”

Why do we let others define what we can or can’t do?

Why do we undervalue our own hard-earned achievements because of a recruiter or interviewer who doesn’t fully grasp the depth of our work?

I’ve met far fewer people who are overconfident in their abilities than those who lack the belief they should have.

Here’s the truth: If you don’t believe in yourself, how can you expect anyone else to believe in you?

In most cases, you are the ideal candidate for the role—you just need to realize it.

Without this belief, the best resume formats and interview tips will fail.

So, own your story. Believe in your value, and then go into every interview with the confidence that you’re exactly who they’re looking for.

You’ve got this💪

P.S. If you’re ready to stop underselling yourself and want some help showcasing your true potential, I’m here to help!

Together, we can reframe your story - the one that is unique to you AND presents you as the perfect candidate for the role.

If you are looking for support with preparing for an upcoming interview or looking to improve your first-round interview calls, book a 1:1 call here 👇

If you have any questions, reply to this email and I will be happy to help.

I will see you next week.

All the Best
